Saturday, June 23, 2018

Dominican Vacation – Day two with Eve.

I mention her so much because I spent 7 out of 8 days with Eve.
She is 19 years younger than me – could be my daughter.

It has been a trend in my life last three-four years  – one after another women young enough to be my daughters enter my life. Some stay to be friends, some leave and remain extremely hostile. All depends on where I and they are at the moment in our walk with God.

The truth is we are more than naïve when we think that we invite (or not) God into our lives.

Objective reality is – we all are part of His life either way – no matter if we acknowledge His existence or not, surrender our plans for life to bask in His plans for our lives or not, are aware of the fact that there is no way to hide from Him or not.

Eve told me her story on the first day during those two enjoyable lunch hours in the restaurant. Regardless of being born and raised in two very different countries, our lives had some significant similarities, faith in Jesus Christ is a major similarity, that made it possible to understand each other when big questions about life came up in our conversations.

Both she and I do not have good warm loving relationships with our families.
Both she and I live outside of our countries of origin and don’t have any intention of going back to stay.
Visit – maybe, but definitely not to stay. 

It has nothing to do with our friends in our countries of origin, it has everything to do with close and extended family relationships or absence of such. Neither one of us are revengeful or angry about it, we just wish things in our families were different than they are.

Luckily for me, Eve loves the sea and swimming, so that is what we did on day two – we swam, then read books then swam again. I ventured out to take an underwater video with my iPhone in a waterproof pouch and kept going back to the same spot to say ‘hi’ and ‘by’ to those fish from that day on until the end of my vacation.

On that day also, Eve and I went to look at each other’s apartments.
I knew she was unhappy with hers, but I was quite happy with mine, except for the shower not working, but hey, I am just a simple Russian woman, who used to wash herself in wash houses back in Russia when visiting my grandmother in a village and later in life. Most definitely those wash houses did not have showers.

I told Eve, the main thing to remember is – whatever it is in our apartments that is not quite to her (or mine for that matter) liking while vacationing – it is not forever, it is temporary. She was there for a whole month though, so it was not as easy to accept for her as it was for me – 8 days without shower, but with hot water running is not bad by any standard.

She really liked my apartment though – I had a sea view, a net to keep insects out of the apartment and no bad smell in the apartment.

We spent quite a lot of time talking about it and she told me that the idea of her living situation being a temporary one and not forever was helpful.

Eve and I spent the evening of day two in the company of our Russian friends. I must admit, it was rather entertaining to talk in 3 languages – Olga’s first foreign language was German, and Eve’s first foreign language was German as well. How true is the saying ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it’!

I could definitely recognize the German words when Olga was speaking, but it was very hard for me to build a single sentence. However, I was excited to remember more and more words.

I definitely needed them the next day. You just have to wait till the next post to find out why.

… To be continued.

Oh, if you purchase any products on the site where they sell that nice coffee maker, I will get commission 😉

1 comment:

  1. Hi Larissa, it's Amanda from Belize! Shoot me an email at, I'm hoping to get that text you read me from your phone. Could really use it today....
